February 4th is World Cancer Day

This week I’ve learned of three friends or friends of friends newly diagnosed – one new lung cancer and two new breast cancer warriors. Cancer is so hard. It’s sneaky and stupid and scary and doesn’t care who it touches or the wrath it leaves behind… BUT, we know so much more now than we ever did. Even though there are no guarantees, there is hope in places where darkness used to be. 

I’m not sure why I was ‘chosen’ to walk this path but I was. I’m trying to make the most of it by sharing what I learned and what helped me and by helping others to better encourage and support those in their own circles. I pray the ripples of my own fight make the journeys of others a little brighter, a little easier, and filled with a little more hope. 

On this World Cancer Day, I colored a picture on my favorite-cancer journey hobby, Happy Color, and prayed for my friends and those in their circles who hold them up. On this day, I’m brainstorming and networking and developing new ideas that either support someone in the trenches or raise a little more money for research. On this day, I’m celebrating for those of us who are NED and holding space in prayer and love for those who aren’t quite yet or who will never be. I’m thanking God for the medical teams and caregivers and countless volunteers. I’m grateful for the comforts that are possible to ease the burden like family and friends and silly color apps and mail in the mailbox and twice baked potatoes. I’m walking forward in faith and trust that no matter what my next bloodwork says or tomorrow holds, that these prayers and acts will be enough to make a difference. Thank you for walking with me. 

Love First and Hope Always,



The Hope of Empty Circles and Unfinished To-Do Lists


The Next Day…Three Years Later